What is a Dynamic Men's Group?
The Men of Christ conference is an excellent way to reinvigorate your commitment to your Catholic faith. But it’s only one day. How can you maintain the spirit of the conference throughout the year?
Join a Dynamic Men’s Group (DMG)! Each week at parishes throughout the Diocese of Phoenix, men of all ages and backgrounds come together in DMGs to help each other grow in the knowledge and love of their Catholic faith, and encourage each other to put that faith into action!
DMGs help you to:
- Be the man God created you to be.
- Strengthen your spiritual resolve.
- Live your faith boldly in all aspects of your life.
Typical DMG meetings:
- Happen once a week, before or after work.
- Last about an hour to 90 minutes.
- Consist of professionally produced, multimedia presentations and group discussion.
- Are not “mandatory.” Come when you can.